
Ben hogan apex irons for sale
Ben hogan apex irons for sale

ben hogan apex irons for sale

Also, compared to virtually every other game improvement iron, the Edge EX loft structure is relatively traditional. If you want ball speed, thin is good while thick is a serious buzz kill. There’s one huge drawback to a 1025 forged face-it can’t be made as thin as, say, HT1770 and still maintain tensile strength.

ben hogan apex irons for sale

The reason? The never-ending quest for ball speed and launch monitor supremacy. And as mentioned, we’re seeing premium entries with forged bodies and ultra-thin, high-strength steel faces. The game improvement category is where OEMs pack in all their distance technology. “So why add tungsten if it only adds cost? Given our direct-to-consumer business model, it’s a pretty good deal for someone who wants forged game improvement irons for 800 bucks.” “Some prototypes had some low tungsten but we found it didn’t dramatically increase spin rates or anything like that,” says White. Or you could say the new Edge EX is quintessentially Hogan. You could just yawn and file it all under “remarkably uninspired” or you could call it refreshingly candid. In fact, White admits the EX doesn’t really mean anything. Hogan isn’t touting any technological breakthroughs with the new Edge EX nor is it making any distance claims (more on that later, too). Mid-handicap players tell us they don’t have to work to get the ball up in the air.” “The ball really feels like it springs off the face. “There’s so much perimeter weighting with nothing behind the face, it almost looks like the face is floating,” says White. That’s essential for good game improvement design.

ben hogan apex irons for sale

While not particularly innovative or unique, an open cavity effectively frees up mass for extreme perimeter weighting. That open cavity is the defining feature of the Hogan Edge EX and is the biggest change from the 2018 Edge. “We looked at those and the Edge EX irons are an optimized version of those. “There were some Hogan irons back in the Spalding days that had this open-cavity look,” says Hogan CEO Scott White. Either way, it brings back memories of Hogan’s Spalding era. Ben Hogan Edge EX Irons – Facts and Figuresįor any hardcore Hoganista, the new Edge EX branding, open cavity and iconic sunburst logo will make you want to party like it’s 1999.

Ben hogan apex irons for sale